Soñe con una salida de la escuela. Soñe que salia, y tiraba todo, y me abrazaba. Soñe que habia como 4 personas mas queriendo saludarme, y yo no lo soltaba. Y no lo solté. Ni pienso hacerlo. Lo extraño demasiado como para soltarlo. Y me chupa un huevo todo.
I love you.
viernes, 29 de julio de 2011
martes, 26 de julio de 2011
Tiemblo. Y lloro. Y lloro. Y no lo puedo creer. No lo puedo creer. Los voy a ver. Los voy a ver. LA PUTA QUE LO PARIO LOS VOY A VER. LOS VOY A TENER FRENTE A MIS OJOS A LOS 5: VOY A ESCUCHAR A JULIAN ERRANDOLE A LAS LETRAS, VOY A VER A VALENSI SIENDO SEXY, VOY A VER A ALBERT Y A SU SONRISA, VOY A VER A FAB TOCANDO LA BATERIA, VOY A VER A NIKOLAI BAILANDO, ME ESTOY MURIENDO, LOS VOY A VER. No se si lloro porque estoy triste o porque estoy contenta, pero no puedo parar. Los amo. MUCHO.
Me voy a morir.
Estoy en estado de shock. The Strokes en Argentina el 4 de noviembre. No se si reirme, o gritar, o llorar, o saltar, o romper todo. Por el momento tengo piel de gallina y los ojos llenos de lagrimas. Me llego a quedar sin entradas y juro que me colo, no se, pero los voy a ver.
lunes, 25 de julio de 2011
"I just want to live by the beach with a dog and a wife and pretty much have a mellow life."
Te amo. Me chupa un huevo que me lleves 14 años. Seamos dos hippies roñosos en una playa tranquila con un perro divino y mucha musica. Te amo.
Te amo. Me chupa un huevo que me lleves 14 años. Seamos dos hippies roñosos en una playa tranquila con un perro divino y mucha musica. Te amo.
Numerología, te amo.
Acabo de encontrar esto en google. Me siento rara, feliz, pelotuda, y rara. En fin, les dejo mi numerología con Andrew VanWyngarden <3
Compatibility level: 25% - A relationship that presents frequent challenges and requires much compromise.
Mora is attracted to Andrew's strength and stability. Andrew is the grounded force, offering almost unconditional love and protection. Mora feels safe and secure in Andrew's love. Andrew thrives on giving love, comfort and protection, and in short, Andrew is Mora's haven.
Andrew recognizes and is attracted to Mora's free spirit. Mora has courage and curiosity and brings excitement and growth to the relationship. Mora's Life Path number 5 and Andrew's 6 complement each other very well.
It is interesting to note that this kind of partnership is somewhat rare due to some initial distrust these two have to overcome when they first meet. Mora- and Andrew's archetypes have very little in common and usually don’t reach out to bridge the gap. As a consequence, although not impossible, love at first sight is rarely found in this match.
When people like Mora and Andrew are drawn to each other, it is usually very physical and sensual. Once they connect, the attraction quickly grows powerful, overshadowing just about everything else in their lives. This physical attraction is a strong foundation and while many couples, after a period time, often lose interest in the physical aspect - at least to some degree - in this particular case the physical attraction will last a long time and remain powerful. This physical attraction is particularly important to Mora, who is by nature a sensual person.
Once the initial distrust is overcome, Andrew realizes that there is much more substance to Mora than Mora initially revealed. Andrew found out that Mora, in spite of a reluctance to commit, is extremely loyal and trustworthy.
The popular notion that people who change so easily and adapt to new circumstances quickly may not be so strong in their commitment is proven wrong when applied to Mora. In fact, Mora is less likely to cheat than most people. On the other hand, Andrew can become a source of frustration and jealousy for Mora because Andrew gives love freely and generously. In order to keep harmony, Mora needs to understand that this is simply Andrew's nature. Andrew is quick with hugs and shows of care and love to other people, but this should not be a reason for Mora not to trust Andrew, or to be jealous.
Andrew simply has a lot of love to give. Teaching, healing, and counseling - even if they are not part of Andrew's career - are major ingredients in the Andrew's makeup, and Andrew needs avenues to express them. It is important that Mora keeps that in mind and does not let misplaced jealousy come between them.
The most difficult challenge Andrew may have to overcome is to accept the fact that Mora is certainly a social animal. For Mora to be happy, Mora must live a dynamic life; full of impulsive decisions, changes, social activities and travel. With some exaggeration, one might say that Andrew loves the home while Mora loves the pub. Keeping that in mind, they will both need to offer their partner a lifestyle that is in harmony with what they want for themselves.
domingo, 24 de julio de 2011
Anoche estaba en la casa de Nati, y estaba jugando a un juego de preguntas y respuestas con Gi, y no se por que salto algo de un sueño a realizar y una carrera y algo asi, y yo dije que siempre quise ser cantante, y Gi me dijo que no sea boluda, que cantaba bien y que si queria podia lograrlo. Obviamente eso me subio el ego. En fin, hoy me puse a buscar canciones para el Koelle in Concert, porque ya me tienen podrida los temas pedorros de Luq, entonces me puse a escuchar en mi iPod, y me puse a cantar, y ahora me duele la garganta.
Conclusion: soy una imbecil, no sirvo para esto, nunca lo voy a lograr y me quede con un dolor de garganta tremendo.
PD: estoy de muy mal humor, a Tatiana le robaron los cables del telefono :| asi que recien voy a hablar con ella de aca a un mes, hoy fue la fiesta de Teo y no fui, las pendejas estan cada dia mas putas, dormi 5 horas nada mas, me duele la cabeza, extraño mucho a mi gente, y nada, me frustre.
Conclusion: soy una imbecil, no sirvo para esto, nunca lo voy a lograr y me quede con un dolor de garganta tremendo.
PD: estoy de muy mal humor, a Tatiana le robaron los cables del telefono :| asi que recien voy a hablar con ella de aca a un mes, hoy fue la fiesta de Teo y no fui, las pendejas estan cada dia mas putas, dormi 5 horas nada mas, me duele la cabeza, extraño mucho a mi gente, y nada, me frustre.
miércoles, 13 de julio de 2011
I was outside, on my balcony, admiring all the city lights, when fireworks started popping in the sky. All those lights, red and blue and yellow and bright, shining in the distance, made me happy. In a good way. It made me realize that I miss people so much, and still, they are here beside me. It made me see all that I have, all that I own, everything. So I wanted to say thank you, to every single one of my friends who are not here with me right now, but I know I can count on them at any time. So thank you, to all of you around South America, I fucking love you bitches.
Tell me what you want to hear.
Saber exactamente que decir, y no decir nada. Decir todo lo que esperan que digas sin sentirlo. Decir "hola", cuando en realidad queres decir "adios". Gritar lo que sentis, y que nadie te escuche. Decir "si", por mas que no quieras, sabiendo que a nadie le interesa tu opinion. Tener un millon de oportunidades para expresarte y malgastarlas todas. Mentir, aunque todos sepan la verdad. Hablar y no ser escuchado.
Palabras, son solo palabras, ¿o son mas que eso?
Palabras, son solo palabras, ¿o son mas que eso?
sábado, 9 de julio de 2011
Mi sueño esta re loco, yo soy normal.
Soñe que estaba en el parque españa, pero no era el parque españa, en fin, y estaba con Pol, Joaqo Limon, Tati, Lour, y de la nada llegaban Bau y Lucas Ritchie :| y yo me quedaba conversando con Lucas :| no se, estoy re mal, en mi vida hable mas de 20 palabras con ese pibe. Estoy mal o.O En fin, y nada, después aparecia Nachito, el rubio de niñas mal o.O que no se de donde salió eso, y tati me decia: Dejalo ir Marchu, dejalo ir.. y yo re WTF .-. y despues aparecimos en una terraza onda la fiesta de Cherrybomb (que buena pelicula por dios Rupert Grint te cojo tanto) pero yo no me drogaba y aparecia Pol re borracho con una botella de alcohol etílico en la mano (JAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJA lo gastaba hasta en los sueños) y la tiraba a la mierda y después aparecio Lou abrazada al chori, no se, cualquiera, y despues aparecio Bau y se transformo en Teo y me regalo un anillo y yo agarre una botella de cerveza y me la tomé entera. Y me desperté.
Conclusión: No hay que ver películas que te alteran el ritmo cardíaco antes de ir a dormir, así son las consecuencias. AY PERO DIOS LO QUE FUÉ ESA PELICULA. <3
Conclusión: No hay que ver películas que te alteran el ritmo cardíaco antes de ir a dormir, así son las consecuencias. AY PERO DIOS LO QUE FUÉ ESA PELICULA. <3
Jamie voz de turra Cook
Feliz cumpleaños, atrasado, porque ayer no me andaba blogger -.- pero en fin, nada, feliz cumpleaños a mi queridisimo amor platónico, que dejo de serlo, pero igual te amo con todo mi ser, porque sos un pelotudo pero inteligente, o sea, todo bien que salgas con una ex-porn star y que no seas romantico, seguis siendo un dulce y un amor de persona, aunque odies las entrevistas y odies socializar y bueno me haces acordar mucho a una amiga mia, en fin te amo.
Espero que Katie te haya hecho la fiesta bien hecha. Aparte digamos la verdad, sos lo mas con la guitarra, aunque no lo demuestres y tengas una cara de queso impresionante y una trompita divina, sos un genio. Chau, te amo.
PD: tu voz es única.
Espero que Katie te haya hecho la fiesta bien hecha. Aparte digamos la verdad, sos lo mas con la guitarra, aunque no lo demuestres y tengas una cara de queso impresionante y una trompita divina, sos un genio. Chau, te amo.
PD: tu voz es única.
miércoles, 6 de julio de 2011
Voy a ser directa. O no, no se. Me falta algo. Y yo se lo que me falta. Me falta despertarme todos los dias a las 5:30 de la mañana y saber que cagarme de sueño y soportar las horas de aula van a valer la pena, porque al final, a las 12:30 del mediodía voy a tener mi recompensa. Me faltan esos abrazos que me sacaban una sonrisa. Me faltan esos chistes que eran malisimos, y sin embargo me hacian reir en mi peor momento. Me falta ese perfume que se quedaba en mi campera. Me faltan esas tardes de martes en las cuales faltaba a educacion fisica solo para hablar con vos.
Me falta ese pedacito de luz que iluminaba a mis mañanas. Ultimamente estoy enojada. Pero no estoy enojada con las personas, si no que me las agarro con las personas. Porque estoy enojada conmigo misma. Porque en este momento me caigo muy mal. Porque soy una cobarde. Porque no hablé. Porque no actue. Porque me quedé quieta. Por miedo. Y al final, estamos todos en la misma, el miedo nos domina. Y yo estoy harta. Y te extraño. Te extraño demasiado meu loiro.
Me falta ese pedacito de luz que iluminaba a mis mañanas. Ultimamente estoy enojada. Pero no estoy enojada con las personas, si no que me las agarro con las personas. Porque estoy enojada conmigo misma. Porque en este momento me caigo muy mal. Porque soy una cobarde. Porque no hablé. Porque no actue. Porque me quedé quieta. Por miedo. Y al final, estamos todos en la misma, el miedo nos domina. Y yo estoy harta. Y te extraño. Te extraño demasiado meu loiro.
El amor pendejo sucks. O no.
-Jose: Nati, por qué estas mal?
-Nati: Porque me tienen harta
-Jose: Pero, no tiene por qué importarte lo que ellos digan, la mayoria son tarados.
-Nati: jajaja menos mal que son nuestros amigos
-Jose: No los convierte en maduros o inteligentes (:
-Nati: Por qué sigo aca?
-Jose: Porque el mundo es mejor
-Nati: De verdad pensas que conmigo el mundo es mejor?
-Jose: Con vos mi mundo es mejor, y algun día vas a cuidar todo mi mundo.
Ok si, es medio raro, pero, son muy tierno. Los amo a los dos. Ojala que algun día dejen de ser pelotudos y se pongan juntos.
-Nati: Porque me tienen harta
-Jose: Pero, no tiene por qué importarte lo que ellos digan, la mayoria son tarados.
-Nati: jajaja menos mal que son nuestros amigos
-Jose: No los convierte en maduros o inteligentes (:
-Nati: Por qué sigo aca?
-Jose: Porque el mundo es mejor
-Nati: De verdad pensas que conmigo el mundo es mejor?
-Jose: Con vos mi mundo es mejor, y algun día vas a cuidar todo mi mundo.
Ok si, es medio raro, pero, son muy tierno. Los amo a los dos. Ojala que algun día dejen de ser pelotudos y se pongan juntos.
martes, 5 de julio de 2011
Can I just say? ||
Once again, I was up late, watching an Arctic Monkeys interview, and this video caught my attention. Ok, not the video, but the comment:
"Jamie Cook is so lovely and talented, love that man............"
Well, yes, even though he is with an ex porn-star (I have nothing against it), he is one of the loveliest men in this planet. And no, there is no one like him, and yes, he is my platonic love, and yes, I'd love to meet him one day and tell him that I love him. He'll just think of me as one more fan, but I don't care. He's not just one more man. As that person said, he is lovely and talented, and I love that man.
Can I just say?
I was watching this video a few minutes ago. I just love them, but that's not the point.
So the fact that this person, who I have no idea who the fuck she/he is, said that, all that, makes me so proud of Alex. It is true, this man is something so different from the rest, something you can't and won't find in many places, in any place at all. He is charming, he is funny, he is sweet and loving and everything. "He's the kind of person that would rather stay home and read a dictionary instead of going out to the pub." -Alexa Chung.
Well, he is the most talented human being that is walking on this earth right now. I love him, I just simply do. Seriously, I'd give anything to meet you, to see you, to hear your voice, to see your smile, to hug you. Well, someday, I promise, it'l happen. I love you with all my heart and soul. Alexa, Matt, Nick, Jamie, your mom and dad and every single one you love is so lucky to have you.
So the fact that this person, who I have no idea who the fuck she/he is, said that, all that, makes me so proud of Alex. It is true, this man is something so different from the rest, something you can't and won't find in many places, in any place at all. He is charming, he is funny, he is sweet and loving and everything. "He's the kind of person that would rather stay home and read a dictionary instead of going out to the pub." -Alexa Chung.
Well, he is the most talented human being that is walking on this earth right now. I love him, I just simply do. Seriously, I'd give anything to meet you, to see you, to hear your voice, to see your smile, to hug you. Well, someday, I promise, it'l happen. I love you with all my heart and soul. Alexa, Matt, Nick, Jamie, your mom and dad and every single one you love is so lucky to have you.
Hoy, 5 de Julio del 2011 le quiero dedicar este video a mi querido, hermoso, amado bajista, uno de los mejores bajistas en el mundo si puedo presumir, a mi querido Nick O'Malley, que hoy cumple 26 añitos. Puto. En fin, queria decirte que aunque vivas en la loma del conejo, y no me conozcas (aún), te amo con gran parte de mi corazon, y espero que lo hayas disfrutado de principio a fin. Te amo. See you later innovator!
O sea, mirate, mira esa foto. Alex esta haciendo mis caras JAJAJA pero es mi hermano, es entendible. Pero mirate, sos un dulce. Claro, ahora no tenes mas esos rulitos divinos, pero seguis siendo el hombre perfecto u_u Te amo pandulce, te amo.
O sea, mirate, mira esa foto. Alex esta haciendo mis caras JAJAJA pero es mi hermano, es entendible. Pero mirate, sos un dulce. Claro, ahora no tenes mas esos rulitos divinos, pero seguis siendo el hombre perfecto u_u Te amo pandulce, te amo.
lunes, 4 de julio de 2011
Soy muy orgullosa. En todos los sentidos. Pero no viene al caso, la entrada se la voy a dedicar a mi querida amiga Lourdes Martinez. Por qué? Porque si wacho, tengo ganas .-. okno, es que esa mujer me inspira algo que no se lo que es, pero me encanta. Me re entiende, o sea es re comprensiva, porque para entenderme a mi hay que tener un don. Y tambien paciencia. En fin, no se, la quiero mucho, es una persona divina, y aunque algunas veces parece pisada por elefantes y no puede escuchar la radioChori, es una de las mejores amigas que se pueden pedir en todo el universo. Esta entrada no tiene ningun fin, exepto expresar todo el cariño que le tengo a mi querida loca :)
Es una tierna, les comento que se hace la gran niñera y cuida a nenitas, y ahi le está leyendo blancanieves. Yo se que no sirvo como eso pero vos te vas a la mierda, sos una tierna. Una boluda tierna x)

Encima se nota que te gusta, sos una hermosi :3
Te prometo que algun dia te voy a grabar la voz del chori. Te amo.
Es una tierna, les comento que se hace la gran niñera y cuida a nenitas, y ahi le está leyendo blancanieves. Yo se que no sirvo como eso pero vos te vas a la mierda, sos una tierna. Una boluda tierna x)

Encima se nota que te gusta, sos una hermosi :3
Te prometo que algun dia te voy a grabar la voz del chori. Te amo.
domingo, 3 de julio de 2011
Me duelen los ovarios. Va a llover.
Son las 02:42 de la mañana. Tatiana tiene razón (como siempre), estar de novios es una mierda. No lo viví en carne própia como ella queria. Lo vivo con mi mejor amigo, y te juro que hasta a mi me molesto todo el día todo lo que pasó hoy. En fin, debe ser porque estoy cabreada con la mina que se comió. Igual tengo razón. Ah por qué? Bueno si, tengo razón. No me jodan. Ni saben de que hablo. Extraño a MacarenaMaracaCamilaDeLaFuentes. @_McF (?)
La gente me habla por twitter y yo estoy tan fumada que no entiendo nada.
"Cambio perro doberman por mano ortopédica". JAJAJAJAJAJA quién mas que Eliano para alegrarme el día de mierda que tuve? Te amo flor de puta.
Tatiana me comunicó que se va a aislar estudiando. Aunque lo dude, la voy a extrañar. Algún día cuando la vea la voy a estrangular de un abrazo. O mejor le doy el abrazo solo y estrangulo a otra persona.
No se que me pasa hoy, por poco no me sale humo de las orejas. Me debo estar por indisponer.
Me voy a leer y soñar con pulpos llamados Paul que se comen a limones llamados Joaqo(? okno.
Por qué saltaba con eso? Quiero alcohol
Quiero llorar
O no. La verdad no se que es lo que quiero. Lo unico que se que queria era ir a ver a The Strokes en noviembre, pero se agotaron las entradas en 14hs, y obviamente el señor Carlos es tan ESTUPIDO que cuando yo le dije: "Acordate de entrar y comprarlos antes de las 7" NO SE ACORDO, y ahora me quede sin entrada y me siento una reverenda estupida porque no voy a poder ver a mi banda favorita. Benditos todos los hijo/as de puta que compraron entrada y van a ir, sepan que en este momento los detesto y les deseo que les de una neumonia crónica y no puedan ir. Y sera frío y de hija de puta de mi parte. Sinceramente chupenme bien la concha. Chau.
sábado, 2 de julio de 2011
Natalia quiere reunirse a hacer cookies:
Yo voy a ensuciar a todas con harina. Lo prometo. No voy a descansar hasta ver a cada una con la cara blanca.

Vamos a ir al patio todas sucias, yo voy a agarrar un paquete de harina y se lo voy a ir tirando a cada una. Seguro llega Camila y me empieza a tirar huevos.
Segun Maria Julia tendrían que salir asi. Bueno, tampoco vamos a esperar resultados tan geniales. A lo sumo algo como esto:

Y despues a comer mirando la gran maraton de HP.

Me persigue, en los sueños (dos putas noches seguidas). Ahora en la televisión. Falta que en el libro que estoy leyendo salga un tal Borges y me termino cagando en la puta madre. Amén. Permiso, me voy a tomarme una botella de algo que pegue fuerte o me voy a undir en estas vacaciones.
Feliz semana de la dulzura.
Pero por qué no te dejas de joder un toque? Si queres vender algo ponete un cartel en el orto y sali a la calle a laburar. El unico día de la dulzura que yo conozco es el 14 de febrero. O en todo caso el 12 de abril en Brasil. No rompan mas las pelotas con las cadenas. Nunca reenvie nada, y aun sigo viva.
Pero por qué no te dejas de joder un toque? Si queres vender algo ponete un cartel en el orto y sali a la calle a laburar. El unico día de la dulzura que yo conozco es el 14 de febrero. O en todo caso el 12 de abril en Brasil. No rompan mas las pelotas con las cadenas. Nunca reenvie nada, y aun sigo viva.
A Choice of Three
In the tunnel I noticed I had a choice of three. While I thought it very kind of them to offer me this, I do wonder if they realized what a dilemma they were sending to face me.
The trouble was, if I looked at your reflection in the left window I missed the actual image of you and your reflection in the right. And if I looked in the right I had the same problem but the other way around.
At first I thought I should probably settle on one of the mirrors as they were soon to disappear, but that idea quickly wilted, and my attention was drawn back to the center, occasionally checking on either side.
I must say I did question the authenticity of your nap a few minutes before. As the train left Loughborough I suspected it could've been a device to avoid conversation. I'd barely considered this for a moment, however, when a heavy breath and a gulping sound that I decided would be too embarrassing to fake led me to conclude that your nap wasn't fraudulent.
I found it difficult to concentrate on anything else as you slumped beneath your coat. Delighted that we'd waited until this hour to travel so the evening sun got its opportunity to skip across those sleeping cheeks, but unnerved by the prospect of being removed from the opposing chair to yours. I knew it was reserved but hoped that whoever had reserved it had fallen over.
It looked as if today I'd be safe. The train wasn't too busy but I did take a moment to recall the time when I was less fortunate.
I remembered it with a chilling vivivity we were on the way to Brighton.
I knew it was going to be his seat as soon as I saw him on the platform, unzipping, checking, zipping, and rechecking things. Something about his face suggested that he had for years had a mustache and had not long since removed it. He wasn't going to think twice about disposing of me, especially considering then he'd get the chance to sit with you.
Though his hiking boot-march through the carriage was rather revolting, it wasn't this that made my hands tense up into sour claws of nausea. It was the way he said it.
"You're in my seat."
No "excuse me," no polite uncertainty, just the rigid, hideous fact. The thud with which it landed expelled all my preparation. Before I remembered my plans to pretend to be asleep, deaf, French, or only sat there because someone else was in my seat, I was walking to find another vacancy.
I ended up dwelling unhappily beside a girl with a boys bum. I knew that because she walked too far past when she returned to one of what I thought to be two empty seats when I sat myself there. I fidgeted until our reunion on the platform, where you brutally informed me "That man was really rather pleasant, actually."
Today I thought I'd better make sure that couldn't happen again and I pulled the ticket from the top of my seat. It took a few attempts and the facade of hanging a jacket to finally complete. I was terribly cautious. There's a threat of punishment for such deeds by fine as far as I understand, but those shackles were at the back of my mind as I crushed the reservation in my hidden fist. Folding and squeezing as if it were that beast on the way to the seaside.
Fortunately, there was no retribution. If anything the train got quieter as the journey continued.
And so in the tunnel, unable to decide, my head flicked through this trilogy of angles, angel after angle, until we were out the other side.
My frantic twitching no doubt caused the man at the adjacent table to narrow his eyes at the very least, I imagine.
I don't know for sure.
I didn't have time to add him to the cycle.
-Alex Turner
The trouble was, if I looked at your reflection in the left window I missed the actual image of you and your reflection in the right. And if I looked in the right I had the same problem but the other way around.
At first I thought I should probably settle on one of the mirrors as they were soon to disappear, but that idea quickly wilted, and my attention was drawn back to the center, occasionally checking on either side.
I must say I did question the authenticity of your nap a few minutes before. As the train left Loughborough I suspected it could've been a device to avoid conversation. I'd barely considered this for a moment, however, when a heavy breath and a gulping sound that I decided would be too embarrassing to fake led me to conclude that your nap wasn't fraudulent.
I found it difficult to concentrate on anything else as you slumped beneath your coat. Delighted that we'd waited until this hour to travel so the evening sun got its opportunity to skip across those sleeping cheeks, but unnerved by the prospect of being removed from the opposing chair to yours. I knew it was reserved but hoped that whoever had reserved it had fallen over.
It looked as if today I'd be safe. The train wasn't too busy but I did take a moment to recall the time when I was less fortunate.
I remembered it with a chilling vivivity we were on the way to Brighton.
I knew it was going to be his seat as soon as I saw him on the platform, unzipping, checking, zipping, and rechecking things. Something about his face suggested that he had for years had a mustache and had not long since removed it. He wasn't going to think twice about disposing of me, especially considering then he'd get the chance to sit with you.
Though his hiking boot-march through the carriage was rather revolting, it wasn't this that made my hands tense up into sour claws of nausea. It was the way he said it.
"You're in my seat."
No "excuse me," no polite uncertainty, just the rigid, hideous fact. The thud with which it landed expelled all my preparation. Before I remembered my plans to pretend to be asleep, deaf, French, or only sat there because someone else was in my seat, I was walking to find another vacancy.
I ended up dwelling unhappily beside a girl with a boys bum. I knew that because she walked too far past when she returned to one of what I thought to be two empty seats when I sat myself there. I fidgeted until our reunion on the platform, where you brutally informed me "That man was really rather pleasant, actually."
Today I thought I'd better make sure that couldn't happen again and I pulled the ticket from the top of my seat. It took a few attempts and the facade of hanging a jacket to finally complete. I was terribly cautious. There's a threat of punishment for such deeds by fine as far as I understand, but those shackles were at the back of my mind as I crushed the reservation in my hidden fist. Folding and squeezing as if it were that beast on the way to the seaside.
Fortunately, there was no retribution. If anything the train got quieter as the journey continued.
And so in the tunnel, unable to decide, my head flicked through this trilogy of angles, angel after angle, until we were out the other side.
My frantic twitching no doubt caused the man at the adjacent table to narrow his eyes at the very least, I imagine.
I don't know for sure.
I didn't have time to add him to the cycle.
-Alex Turner
viernes, 1 de julio de 2011
Sábado 02 de Julio de 2011, 02:02hs.
Esa impotencia que se siente cuando queres decir algo con todas tus fuerzas, queres cambiar todo, queres revolucionar a la situacion, y sin embargo, te quedas callado. Hoy yo me callo. Me callo porque si hablo se desmorona mi mundo. Me callo porque si hablo se pierde la magia. Me callo porque si hablo pierdo sentido. Me callo porque si hablo tengo miedo de arruinar todo esto que logre. Me callo pero sepan que estoy desconforme. Me callo pero sepan que dudo de mi. Me callo porque si hablo diria tantas barbaridades que no son dignas de oir. Me callo porque se que no todos van a estar ahi para mi. Me callo porque se que yo si voy a estar ahi. Me callo, porque francamente, para que hablar? Si todos hacen oidos sordos a mis palabras necias.

Cry joy. Cry thief. Cry beautiful that is just beyond belief somewhere.
Cry at the end. Cry cause it all begins again.
Here you are and so am I, and we cry.
Cry alone. Cry to me. Cry freedom then let yourself be free.
To shed the tears that have to flow.
To hold somebody close to you, and then to let them go.
Cry at the end. Cry cause it all begins again.
Here you are and so am I, and we cry.
Cry peace. Cry hate. Cry faithlessness, then just have a little faith.
Cry at the end. Cry cause it all begins again.
Here you are and so am I, and we cry.
And we try to be true. Try, cause we're only passing through.
I dreamed a dream
We were walking down the street, chatting about the same old usual glee, probably singing something like "Lucky" or "Loser like me". We got to the stop, your stop, the bus stop, where the rest of them where standing.
You stopped talking. Your sister was staring at you.
-Do something. Tell her. - she almost screamed at you.
-Ma, why are you being so sweet to me?
Everything was quiet. Not a word escaped your mouth.
-That's the only question you're not going to answer, right?
You nodded. I laughed, disappointed.
Your sister pushed you away by the arm, dragged you away muttering about needing to talk to her brother for a second. I stayed, among the rest of the people, saying hi to the ones I knew.
You came back, smiling that delightful smile that always made me loose track of space and time. I smiled back, not knowing what to do. Your sister was very clear: "Go talk, I'll call you when the bus comes". She pushed me, nearly making me fall but you grabbed me just in time, hugging me from behind. I have to say, for a dream, it was pretty fucking real.
My heart raced as your perfume flooded my nostrils. I obviously wanted to run away and turn into a tomato in the corner of my room, still I doubted you'd let go. And I was right, you didn't.
-Why where you falling? Do you like the ground?
-Your sister pushed me.
-But I caught you, didn't I?
You hugged me tighter. I sighed, feeling right for a change.
-So, you're not going to answer?- I said, turning my head so that my cheek and my left eye faced his cheek, then I looked up to you, briefly enough to know I was going to get a different answer.
You lowered your face, suddenly appearing really tall, and leveled it up to my cheek. Then, you whispered in a way only you know how.
-I like you, sometimes too much to even admit it.
Not letting go, I pressed my cheek against your chest. You turned me around, making me face you. I have to admit, I felt my heart was going to blow up any minute. Somehow, it did.
You took my cheek, just like you had done the other day, between one of your palms, and you kissed me, smoothly, gently, softly, and all the other "ly"'s you can find that are sweet, because you are sweet.
You let go of my face and hugged me tight. I woke up. That was the firs time I regretted waking up. Certainly the best dream of my entire life.
You stopped talking. Your sister was staring at you.
-Do something. Tell her. - she almost screamed at you.
-Ma, why are you being so sweet to me?
Everything was quiet. Not a word escaped your mouth.
-That's the only question you're not going to answer, right?
You nodded. I laughed, disappointed.
Your sister pushed you away by the arm, dragged you away muttering about needing to talk to her brother for a second. I stayed, among the rest of the people, saying hi to the ones I knew.
You came back, smiling that delightful smile that always made me loose track of space and time. I smiled back, not knowing what to do. Your sister was very clear: "Go talk, I'll call you when the bus comes". She pushed me, nearly making me fall but you grabbed me just in time, hugging me from behind. I have to say, for a dream, it was pretty fucking real.
My heart raced as your perfume flooded my nostrils. I obviously wanted to run away and turn into a tomato in the corner of my room, still I doubted you'd let go. And I was right, you didn't.
-Why where you falling? Do you like the ground?
-Your sister pushed me.
-But I caught you, didn't I?
You hugged me tighter. I sighed, feeling right for a change.
-So, you're not going to answer?- I said, turning my head so that my cheek and my left eye faced his cheek, then I looked up to you, briefly enough to know I was going to get a different answer.
You lowered your face, suddenly appearing really tall, and leveled it up to my cheek. Then, you whispered in a way only you know how.
-I like you, sometimes too much to even admit it.
Not letting go, I pressed my cheek against your chest. You turned me around, making me face you. I have to admit, I felt my heart was going to blow up any minute. Somehow, it did.
You took my cheek, just like you had done the other day, between one of your palms, and you kissed me, smoothly, gently, softly, and all the other "ly"'s you can find that are sweet, because you are sweet.
You let go of my face and hugged me tight. I woke up. That was the firs time I regretted waking up. Certainly the best dream of my entire life.
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